Friday, September 25, 2009

Signs your kids are growing up

Sometimes we miss the little clues that our kids are growing older. I do dream of the day when they are all in school but fear I will miss the little things.
Abi is going to her first dance and the football game and her parents are not
Clara is having a slumber party and wrote a book about what they would eat and play
Drew is refusing to take naps and prefers to be outside working with his dad and goes right into preschool without saying good-bye to mom
Brianna well she is showing signs the other way around so we won't talk about her :)

I guess you know that the time for kids to be indepedent is coming it just gets here so fast!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Drew's First Day @ Preschool

Drew didn't cry Mom cheered as she drove away. and he told me they played, ate snack and read a story. Not a bad first day!!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Some exciting firsts in the Hooton household.....
Abigail got her ears pierced and Brianna lost both her top teeth!