Thursday, July 26, 2007

At the Fair

Sunday we went to the Elkhart fair with Amy, Grandpa & Grandma. Had fun eating elephant ears, ice cream from the dairy barn. Drew loved the animals and Clara wants a rabbit.
Tried their hands at a few games never won (I told them they are all a scam!)
A fun and tiring afternoon..........

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Men doing housework

Drew has to put away the silverware when we are emptying the dishwasher, he likes to push the broom, pick-up trash anywhere we are and cleans the toliets. I think I will teach him to do the laundry next week :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Drew gets buzz cut

Mitch gave Drew a buzz cut last night. Now they really look like twins.

potato creek/camping

We went camping over the week of the july 4th. And we survived. A friend loaned us his big tent you could fit two queen sized air mattress in it and still have room for clothes. We had a good time playing games, swimming, riding bikes, chasing Drew, and eating. The weather was great not too hot. We are thinking of making it an annual event. Here are some pics.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ode to running

I decided I needed to write about my new love/hate relationship with running.

I get up each morning at 5:30 am.
Getting out of bed isn't hard starting the run is.
How to cross the highway without being hit by a car is my first task.
Running down Timothy without getting a tick, stepping on a dead animal or getting chased by a dog is next.
Can you see where the hate comes in......
Then there is the personal trainer in my head sounding an awful lot like Karla tells me just a little bit more.
The love comes in because this is the best shape I have been in a long time ,buying new clothes that fit and only needing to lose 5 more pounds to hit my goal.
Who knows maybe a 5k is in my future...............
So now my ode is done and I am going to bed so I can get up and RUN!