Thursday, June 26, 2008

Breakfast Cereal

OK my one weakest in life besides coffee is cereal! When we were young I remember dad eating it for snack even a meal. I have since picked up on that habit. Well, my favorite cereal is always been lucky charms or cocoa puffs. (not the generic :) yesterday I bought chocolate chex and decided it is my new favorite there is a recipe on the back for chocolate chex latte snack mix and a free package of the latte mix is included. made that and it is delicious!! so now I can enjoy coffee and cereal and the same time!! Try it you may like it too :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy Summer Days

Spent a morning at the beach with the Wykoff family, stared swimming lessons, Clara learned to ride a bike without training wheels, Drew mows the lawn with his "tractor", pulling lots of weeds from the garden, visits to the library for Brady Bunch DVDs, playdates with friends, morning chores and homework (the kids love this :) t-ball games and sometimes a little rest!!
Happy Summer!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Whose Kid is this??

Have you ever seen a kid and thought what were his parents thinking??
This picture is the perfect example........

Ohio visit and Fort Wayne Zoo

Enjoyed spending time with Don/Vicki and kids. Had a great day for Jason's graduation party.

Enjoyed Sunday at Fort Wayne zoo. The weather was perfect. kids loved all the animals

Drew and Mitch looking at the monkeys!!