Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The crazy weekend!
Friday we dyed eggs. The oil based dye is really messy! The girls enjoyed it though. Then we cleaned house all day.
Sat. we finished getting the house ready and then Mitch and I went on a date! We went to see Blast at the Morris Civic. It was like a marching band on stage the drum line stuff was really cool! We then went out to dinner (sit down) and shopped and had starbucks! It was a perfect date.
Then Sunday, we got to church early. Abi and two other kids from our puppet troupe did a puppet show (using the egg story) in the church services. Abi does a great job with the puppets she has the voice for it. I sang too. I sang Come to the Cross by MWS.
We then had 30 people over for lunch at 3 pm. Well, mom did most of the work!
We had all the Hootons, Davis family and Schrock family.
Sara and I hid over 100+ eggs for the kids. I put money in them this year so they were all excited.
Now if the weather would just turn nice it would feel like spring!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How Starbucks saved my life

Imagine we are all the same. Imagine we agree about politics, religion adn morality. Imagine we like the same types of music, art, food and coffee. Imagine we all look alike. Sound boring?
Difference need not divide us. Embrace diversity. Dignity is everyone's human right
published on the side of a cup of Starbucks Decaf Grande Cappuccino

Read How Starbucks Saved my life by Michael Gates Gill
Meet a man who had everything power-job, wife, kids, big house, meeting all sorts of celebrities till one day the company decided he was too old and fired him.
10 years later after floundering and living on his savings, he accidently landed a job at Starbucks.
of course, I love coffee so I loved the "coffee talk" in the book. But the true story is one that shows the best work is work where you make other people happy.

(This is not a sappy book and an easy read!)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sickness and Singing

We had a little sickness around the house this past week. Not only did we have two snow days the girls missed Friday too. Brianna had broncitis, Clara had double ear infection and Abi got pink eye.
Drew is healthly and active as a horse.
Saturday Abi and I went to a Circle the State with song. She tried out for this choir at school and has been practicing every Friday after school. It is where area choirs gather to sing a few numbers with a professional director and pianist. We went to Goshen College. Their hall was amazing for sound. There were about 400 kids in the choir. She spent the whole day singing and getting vocal training lessons. I sat and listened in the back. We will get a copy of the dvd to show off.
Have a great week.