Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What will it be like this summer?

and yes I am ready for summer and just my kids at the house. Brianna starts t-ball next month, Clara wants to take karate, Abi is going to try out for the Plymouth girls basketball league, Drew is going to play outside alot! Swimming lessons, basketball camp, photobooths every weekend, camping trip?, visits to karla's lake cottage, colorado trip, full garden and flower beds this year, and then back to school!! Drew will even start preschool this year. Yes sometime I get ahead of myself but I am going to try and enjoy every minute of it. Pictures next time promise.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Cleaning Children's Rooms

My rules for spring cleaning......
one bring lots of trash bags, first throw things away when your children are not at home!!
the second bag for goodwill should be taken there on the sly! Keep bag in car for a few days to see if they remember something that is not there any more. And if so tell them too bad and see if they cry!!
Third bag give away as much as possible. Somebody will want some of the 20+ shirts your daughter has in her drawer.
And last cleaning rule threaten them that those rooms much stay clean at least until you go to bed that night :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happenings at the Hootons round 3

Drew and the girls. I now watch two other little girls on Tues and Wed. One Kaylee is Drew and Victoria's age. On Tuesday, we have craft time. They made paper bag dog puppets.
Drew is know at the why stage. He talks non-stop. He is now completely potty trained. Preschool here we come!!

Happenings at the Hootons round 2

Abi has been playing basketball. She plays forward and shoots alot of baskets! She does actually make some points. They have won about 1/2 of their games. The Rolling Prairie girls play some mean ball. Trying to get her on a summer league to improve her game.
She has also been in choir at school they practice on Fridays. This Sat. they had their big concert with about 200 kids from northern IN. Mitch and I went to the concert then took her out to eat.

Happenings at the Hootons

Clara did her science project on pneumonia. Mitch and Clara invented lungs that you could inflate using a balloon pump, balloons a 2 liter bottle and a nose sucker! Mitch aka MacGyver!
Clara got a third place ribbon!!