Busy, Fun weekend. Megan and Kyle came to our house Friday with my mom. We went swimming and played and ate! Don and Vicki came Saturday afternoon. Learned a new game called garbage.
Sunday morning we got on the South Shore train for Chicago at 7:50 (our time) all day we had to remember that Chicago is an hour behind us. The train ride takes 2 hours. We arrived at millinuim park and saw the art and the fountain. We then boarded a free trolley that took us to navy pier. We took a 30 min. boat ride that showed the chicago skyline. It was relaxing. The weather was perfect all day. We then went to get pizza at Giordinos of course we had the stuffed pizza. I think Mitch and Don ate about 6 pieces each!! Then we walked by the sears tower and back to the park (after ice cream at mcdonalds) Train ride home I think everyone fell asleep at least I did!!
Monday we just relaxed (well we did have 8 kids in the house so I am not sure how relaxing that is :) the weather cleared up and we went swimming and the kids played carpet pool and card games. Brianna is learning skip-bo so watch out!!
next week..... Joel, kendall, karla and families come to visit and the big Burger reunion that we are in charge of......